Alexander Workshop in Schwyz, Switzerland
to Sep 8

Alexander Workshop in Schwyz, Switzerland

Workshop description coming soon.

Private lessons: September 6th and 9th

Workshop: September 7-8, 2024


Dear Alexander Technique interested people,

I am very happy to inform you that Tommy Thompson will offer another course in Schwyz in September 2024. This course is for people who are interested in the Alexander Technique and Tommy's profound teaching style. 

This workshop will take place in the beautiful premises of "der Fabrik" in Schwyz.

Tommy Thompson, Massachusetts, Boston, is an AT teacher who has been with me since my training (1992-95). His way of using the AlexanderTechnique to support people in discovering and living their own potential, which often lies beneath the stories and layers of tension, has deeply influenced and beneficially enriched my own work.

Whether you are an AlexanderTechnique teacher or have no prior knowledge of the Alexander Technique, all interested people are invited to this course. The course will be translated into German.

Priska Gauger-Schelbert

6430 Schwyz

CH- Switzerland

+4179 232 02 54

Course venue :

i de Fabrik

Laubstrasse 4

6430 Schwyz


Liebe AlexanderTechnik interessierte Menschen,

Es ist ein Privileg, dass Tommy Thompson auch dieses Jahr wieder in die Schweiz zu uns nach

Schwyz kommt und er uns einen weiteren Workshop gibt.

Der Workshop richtet sich an Menschen, die an der AlexanderTechnik interessiert sind, sowie an

Tommys tiefgründigem Unterrichtsstil. Dieser Kurs findet am 7. und 8. September 2024 in den

schönen Räumlichkeiten von „der Fabrik“ in Schwyz statt.

Tommy Thompson, Massachusetts, Boston, ist ein AT-Lehrer der mich

seit meiner Ausbildung (1992-95) begleitet. Seine Art mit der AlexanderTechnik Menschen zu

unterstützen, ihr eigenes Potential zu entdecken und zu leben, welches oft unter den

Geschichten und Schichten der Verspanntheit liegt, hat meine eigene Arbeit tief geprägt und

wohltuend bereichert.

Ob AlexanderTechnik Lehrer oder ohne Vorkenntnisse der AlexanderTechnik sind alle

Interessierte zu diesem Kurs eingeladen. Der Kurs wird auf Deutsch übersetzt.

Wo: i de Fabrik, Laubstrasse 4, 6430 Schwyz

Mit ÖV: bis Bahnhof Schwyz, dann mit Busnummer 1 nach Schwyz Busbahnhof oder bis

Obstmühle, dann 2 Minuten zu Fuss

Wann: Samstag, 2. September von 10.30 Uhr – 13.00 Uhr und 14.30 – 18.00 Uhr und

Sonntag, 3. September von 9.30 Uhr – 12.30 Uhr und 14.00 – 17.00 Uhr

Kosten: Fr. 360.-

Anmeldung: bis 20. August 2023 Priska Gauger-Schelbert, 6430 Schwyz,

Tel. 0041 – (0)79 232 02 54per Einzahlung ist der Platz definitiv: Sparkasse

Schwyz, 6431 Schwyz, Postfach 564, Priska Gauger-Schelbert, IBAN CH14 0663

3016 0705 2970 9

Unterkunft zB.: Wysses Rössli Schwyz

Backpackerhotel Hirschen Schwyz

Wir freuen uns sehr auf diesen Workshop.

Herzlich, Priska und Tommy

Anmeldung: ist schon möglich. Details zum Kurs folgen im Frühling.

Priska Gauger-Schelbert, 6430 Schwyz,
Tel. 0041 – (0)79 232 02 54
per Einzahlung ist der Platz definitiv: Sparkasse Schwyz, 6431 Schwyz, Postfach 564, Priska Gauger-Schelbert, IBAN CH14 0663 3016 0705 2970 9

Uebernachtungsmöglichkeiten zB.: Wysses Rössli Schwyz; Backpackerhotel Hirschen Schwyz

Wir freuen uns jetzt schon sehr auf diesen Kurs. Herzlich, Priska und Tommy

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to Aug 25

Alexander Technique Workshop with Tommy in Dorsten, Germany

  • Google Calendar ICS


is very honored to present another WORKSHOP with TOMMY THOMPSON

Tommy Thompson's 2023 visit made a landmark in the lives of many of us. We are enchanted, delighted and changed. In the midst of immense Alexandrian expertise, Tommy showed us what it means to be human. Humility and heroism are surprisingly close. Our hearts are wide, wide open for another immersion with him.

Private lessons on August 23rd and August 26th, 2024

Workshop dates are August 24th and 25th, 2024

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to May 12

Pathways to Choice, Workshop in Basel, Switzerland

Workshop times: Friday evening 7-10pm and Saturday and Sunday 10am to 5pm

Contact: Lucia Carro


PATHWAYS TO CHOICE mit Tommy Thompson

AlexanderTechnik-Workshop in Basel am 11. & 12. Mai 2024

Liebe KollegInnen und AlexanderTechnik interessierte Menschen

Es freut uns sehr, dass Tommy Thompson zu uns nach Basel kommt und einen Workshop

zum Thema “Pathways to Choice” gibt. Mehr Informationen dazu finden sich auf der 2.


Der Kurs findet am 11. und 12. Mai 2024 in den Räumlichkeiten der Gemeinschaftspraxis an

der Burgunderstrasse in Basel statt. Die Kurssprache ist Englisch.

Am 10. Mai gibt Tommy Thompson Einzelstunden. Bei Interesse, bitte bei der Anmeldung


Tommy Thompson ist der Gründer und Direktor des Alexander Technique Center in Cambridge, wo

er seit 1983 unterrichtet. Tommy war zuvor 12 Jahre lang Dozent an der Harvard University und

unterrichtete die AlexanderTechnik für Absolventen in verschiedenen Theaterprogrammen. Mit

seiner Erfahrung als professioneller Schauspieler und Regisseur war er an über 200

Theaterproduktionen beteiligt, darunter Zusammenarbeiten mit bekannten Künstlern wie

Tennessee Williams und Michael Douglas. Tommy ist auch der Gründer und ehemalige

Vorsitzende von Alexander Technique International (ATI) und Author von Touching Presence (mit

Rachel Prabhakar). Mehr Infos unter

Wann: Freitag, 10. Mai, Einzelstunden (für diejenigen, die sich dafür anmelden. Der

Stundenplan wird per E-Mail verschickt)

Samstag, 11. Mai von 10.30 Uhr – 13.00 Uhr und 14.30 – 18.00 Uhr

Sonntag, 12. Mai von 9.30 Uhr – 12.30 Uhr und 14.00 – 17.00 Uhr

Wo : Gemeinschaftspraxis, Burgunderstrasse 25, 4051 Basel

Anreise ÖV: ab Basel SBB zwei Stationen mit dem Tram 1 oder 8 bis Zoo Bachletten, dann ca. 4

min zu Fuss bis Burgunderstrasse 25

Kosten: Kurs-Gebühren CHF 360.- / StudentInnen CHF 320.-

Einzelstunden 10. Mai (60 Min) CHF 160.- / StudentInnen CHF 140,-

Anmeldung: Anmeldung bis spätestens 30.4.2024.

Per E-Mail an Lucía Carro

Teilnehmerzahl begrenzt, die Anmeldungen werden nach Eingangsdatum


Mit der Einzahlung ist der Platz definitiv reserviert, die Zahlungsdetails werden nach

Eingang der Anmeldung verschickt.


Among numerous meritorious benefits, the Alexander principles help us deal with the conundrums

posed by habit and change. By following F.M. Alexander's path of inhibition, we can successfully

make non habitual choices; we can reduce reaction and reactivity. This makes it easier to choose a

more appropriate and reasoned response.

Yet do we actually have free will? Do "we" make choices? Neuroscience would have us question

this premise. That being said, might we say then at least that we are partners in choice along with

the brain? After all we are largely motivated by the story of our life and the accompanying identity

associated with choices which come from allegiance to the self we profess.

Partners in choice perhaps to the degree that our expanded field of attention incorporates an acute

and heightened sense of awareness given the circumstance. Then choice is more or less

‘presented’ - not made. You might say in this case there is more fluidity in choice, less personal

and absolute entirely befitting the circumstances in the silent and choiceless observation of 'what


In this awareness an issue or an eventful happening unfurls itself and therefore is more completely

understood before an individual response takes place. A gentle dialogue between individual and

brain perhaps behaving as one.

In this workshop we will explore choiceless awareness governed by ‘Withholding Definition’.

Awareness is the silent and choiceless observation of what is.

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Workshop in Tokyo, Japan
to Mar 18

Workshop in Tokyo, Japan

Workshop in Tokyo, Japan with Tommy Thompson

March 13-18

Meditation and Alexander Technique 

Date: 2024/3/13 ( Water ) 13:00-16:00  

Venue: zen place yoga doll town 

Targets: Meditation practitioners, those who are interested in meditation 

Fee: Non-member 15,000 yen, member/course 13,500 yen 

Read more……

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to Mar 11

Tommy in Osaka, Japan

Tommy Thompson in Osaka, Japan

March 9-11

Workshop & Small Group Lessons

  • How to Use Yourself

  • Mindfulness, the Vagus Nerve and the Alexander Technique

  • Storywork

  • Being and Doing

3/9 ~3/11 in Osaka

Learn from Alexander Technique - How to use yourself  

Date: 2024/3/9 Saturday 15:00-18:00  

Venue: zen place yoga 

Targets: Meditation practitioners, those who are interested in meditation 

Fee: Non-member 15,000 yen, member/course 13,500 yen 

If you define as for your identity and behavior, you will be oppressed by yourself. Also, customary words and actions are subconscious state. These can lead to physical pain and mental exhaustion. But all is what I do. In this work, hold your thoughts. Discard your habits and use yourself in the original freedom of choice.


Mindfulness, Vagus and Alexander Technique  

Date: 2024/3/10 ( Day ) 15:00-18:00  

Venue: zen place yoga 

Target person: anyone 

Fee: Non-member 15,000 yen, member/course 13,500 yen 

A vagal nerve that is one of the parasympathetic nerves. Alexander Technique is one of the effective ways to adjust the vagus nerve. Trauma, addiction, 「 Helps change the identity you have assumed to be 」 if you are not. In the first place, Alexander Technique works by touching his neck. The neck is also about to act on the vagus nerve.  In this work, Alexander Technique not only prepares the body, but also enhances the ability to self-adjust, including the vagus nerve. 


Storywork ~ Alexander Technique  

Date: 2024/3/11 10:00-13:00  

Venue: zen place yoga 

Target person: anyone 

Fee: Non-member 15,000 yen, member/course 13,500 yen 

Everyone has their own story. Some of them formed their identity. However, the story may be so obsessed and attached that you may not see your own potential.  In this work, ask you to tell your story twice. The first time I speak as usual. The second time, I'll tell you the same story while using Tommy's Hands-On to change your entire coordination. It was like this. When you say. Now there is.  When you say something, feel how the story changes. 


Being and Doing, Alexander Technique  

Date: 2024/3/11 ( Month ) 15:00-18:00  

Venue: zen place yoga 

Target person: anyone 

Fee: Non-member 15,000 yen, member/course 13,500 yen 

We carry familiar and customary things and are biased towards doing them,  Doing. If you touch the current situation = Being. You can experience the potential of the person. Alexander Technique helps us stay in the ongoing modern era. It means how deep you can put into the experience you are doing now. In this work, Doing and Being. Insights and your potential. 

Questions for this workshop can be found


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Alexander Technique workshop with Tommy in Dorsten, Germany September 8-10
3:00 PM15:00

Alexander Technique workshop with Tommy in Dorsten, Germany September 8-10

Alexander Alliance Europe

is very honored to present another


September 8th–10th 2023

Tommy Thompson's visit in May made a landmark inthe lives of many of us.

We are enchanted, delighted, changed….. In the midst of immense Alexandrian expertise, Tommy showed us what it means to be human. Humility and heroism are surprisingly close. Our hearts are wide, wide open for another immersion with him. This time, everything will be centered around table!

Here is, what Bruce Fertman says about Tommy:

”Tommy explores and uses the Alexander Technique as his vehicle through which he guides his students into living more compassionately conscious and self-embodied lives. Use is too narrow an arena for Tommy. He is interested in personal transformation. Tommy wants to expand Alexander’s work beyond the workings of the body into the workings of the heart and soul. That is where Tommy’s work lives. He is a person who is entirely himself, who teaches through who he is.”


September 8th-10th 2023

Schedule: Friday 15:00 - 18:00 training

19:00 dinner

Saturday 09:30 - 12:30 training

13:00 lunch

15:00 – 18:00 training

19:00 dinner

Sunday 09:30 – 12:30 training

13:00 lunch

14:30 – 17:30 training


Hof Tüshaus, Weselerstr.433, 46286 Dorsten


300,- € students at the Alexander Alliance

350,- € early bird until August 1st 2023

375,- € normal fee

Payments to: Alexander Alliance Europe,

Workshop Tommy Thompson (2)

DE 28 4306 0967 1289 6190 00


You can sign up for homemade dinner (2x) plus lunch (2x): 44,-€


Accommodation possible at Hof Tüshaus,

Contact Margarete Tüshaus,,



Mails to Margarete Tüshaus,


Provided if needed

Private lessons?

Possible Friday morning September 8th or Monday , September 11th

45 minute lessons €135

60 minutes lessons €155

If already signed up for the workshop the following:

45 minute lessons €120

60 minute lessons. €140

We are very much looking forward to seeing many of you in September at Hof Tüshaus

Weselerstr. 433

46286 Dorsten

Your Alliance Team

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Alexander Technique Workshop in Schwyz, Switzerland
to Sep 3

Alexander Technique Workshop in Schwyz, Switzerland


Workshop mit Tommy Thompson in Schwyz am 2. und 3. September 2023

We are living in momentous and

transformative times and our theme this

year will be "Values". So many of us have

been reflecting on our core values and

modifying our lives to reflect these values.

Some changes have been dramatic and

some small. We will take our time

together to deepen these reflections and

explore the question:

How are your core values guiding your

life’s purpose and personal practice?

Liebe AlexanderTechnik interessierte Menschen,

Es ist ein Privileg, dass Tommy Thompson auch dieses Jahr wieder in die Schweiz zu uns nach

Schwyz kommt und er uns einen weiteren Workshop gibt.

Der Workshop richtet sich an Menschen, die an der AlexanderTechnik interessiert sind, sowie an

Tommys tiefgründigem Unterrichtsstil. Dieser Kurs findet am 2. und 3. September 2023 in den

schönen Räumlichkeiten von „der Fabrik“ in Schwyz statt.

Tommy Thompson, Massachusetts, Boston, ist ein AT-Lehrer der mich

seit meiner Ausbildung (1992-95) begleitet. Seine Art mit der AlexanderTechnik Menschen zu

unterstützen, ihr eigenes Potential zu entdecken und zu leben, welches oft unter den

Geschichten und Schichten der Verspanntheit liegt, hat meine eigene Arbeit tief geprägt und

wohltuend bereichert.

Ob AlexanderTechnik Lehrer oder ohne Vorkenntnisse der AlexanderTechnik sind alle

Interessierte zu diesem Kurs eingeladen. Der Kurs wird auf Deutsch übersetzt.

Wo: i de Fabrik, Laubstrasse 4, 6430 Schwyz

Mit ÖV: bis Bahnhof Schwyz, dann mit Busnummer 1 nach Schwyz Busbahnhof oder bis

Obstmühle, dann 2 Minuten zu Fuss

Wann: Samstag, 2. September von 10.30 Uhr – 13.00 Uhr und 14.30 – 18.00 Uhr und

Sonntag, 3. September von 9.30 Uhr – 12.30 Uhr und 14.00 – 17.00 Uhr

Kosten: Fr. 360.-

Anmeldung: bis 20. August 2023 Priska Gauger-Schelbert, 6430 Schwyz,

Tel. 0041 – (0)79 232 02 54per Einzahlung ist der Platz definitiv: Sparkasse

Schwyz, 6431 Schwyz, Postfach 564, Priska Gauger-Schelbert, IBAN CH14 0663

3016 0705 2970 9

Unterkunft zB.: Wysses Rössli Schwyz

Backpackerhotel Hirschen Schwyz

Wir freuen uns sehr auf diesen Workshop.

Herzlich, Priska und Tommy

Anmeldung: ist schon möglich. Details zum Kurs folgen im Frühling.

Priska Gauger-Schelbert, 6430 Schwyz,
Tel. 0041 – (0)79 232 02 54
per Einzahlung ist der Platz definitiv: Sparkasse Schwyz, 6431 Schwyz, Postfach 564, Priska Gauger-Schelbert, IBAN CH14 0663 3016 0705 2970 9

Uebernachtungsmöglichkeiten zB.: Wysses Rössli Schwyz; Backpackerhotel Hirschen Schwyz

Wir freuen uns jetzt schon sehr auf diesen Kurs. Herzlich, Priska und Tommy


Dear Alexander Technique interested people,

I am very happy to inform you that Tommy Thompson will offer another course in Schwyz in September 2023. This course is for people who are interested in the AlexanderTechnique and Tommy's profound teaching style. 

On September 2 and 3, 2023 this workshop will take place in the beautiful premises of "der Fabrik" in Schwyz.

Tommy Thompson, Massachusetts, Boston, is an AT teacher who has been with me since my training (1992-95). His way of using the AlexanderTechnique to support people in discovering and living their own potential, which often lies beneath the stories and layers of tension, has deeply influenced and beneficially enriched my own work.

Whether you are an AlexanderTechnique teacher or have no prior knowledge of the AlexanderTechnique, all interested people are invited to this course. The course will be translated into German.

Please go to this link to learn more about the anatomy of the hand.

Priska Gauger-Schelbert

6430 Schwyz

CH- Switzerland

+4179 232 02 54

Course venue :

i de Fabrik

Laubstrasse 4

6430 Schwyz

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In the Company of Support - Values
to Jul 28

In the Company of Support - Values

Annual Alexander Technique Summer Retreat 

Endicott College July 23-28, 2023

Beverly, Massachusetts


Institute Directors
Debi Adams, Bob Lada, and Tommy Thompson
with invited guest teachers

We are living in momentous and transformative times. So many of us have been reflecting on our core values and modifying our lives to reflect these values. Some changes have been dramatic and some small. We will take our time together this summer to deepen these reflections and explore the question, How are your core values guiding your life’s purpose and personal practice? Our explorations and guidance are driven by the Alexander Technique and the unique approach we each bring to that study--and always, we explore this In the Company of Support. 


(617) 817-5415

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Tommy Thompson à Paris en mai 2023
to May 8

Tommy Thompson à Paris en mai 2023

Stage les 6 et 7 mai

L'habitude de l'identité

Leçon individuelle ou à deux les 5 et 8 mai

Nous avons tous un récit personnel, c'est-à-dire notre attachement à l'histoire que nous décrivons à nous-mêmes et aux autres. Ce récit est complètement imbriqué dans ce que nous sommes et comment nous vivons. La nuit, nous dormons avec notre histoire et nous nous réveillons le matin avec notre histoire. Nous ne nous réveillons ou ne nous endormons pas uniquement avec notre "usage". Si une personne fait du yoga dès le matin, elle le fait d'une manière qui est conforme à son histoire personnelle. Et l'"usage" de chacun reflète son attachement à son récit. C'est l'attachement au récit personnel que nous changeons réellement lorsque nous modifions notre "usage" de nous-même. Sinon, nous ne faisons que nous améliorer en restant la personne que nous avons été. Et cela a certainement de la valeur. Cependant, si nous voulons vraiment explorer le mystère de nous-mêmes et découvrir qui nous sommes capables d'être, nous devons changer le récit personnel de ce que nous pensons devoir être à un moment donné.

Dans cet atelier, en tant qu'enseignants et stagiaires, nous explorerons l'intérêt de considérer le concept d'Alexander de "l'usage" comme un reflet de l'attachement de chacun à son récit personnel. Et ce faisant, nous verrons comment nous pourrions fournir un moyen significatif de changement durable pour nous-mêmes et nos élèves

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Boston Conservatory ATT, hosted by Debi Adams
10:30 AM10:30

Boston Conservatory ATT, hosted by Debi Adams

  • Alexander Technique Center at Cambridge (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Hi Everyone:

I try to plan a workshop with Tommy Thompson each semester. He is a master teacher, mentor of me, Jamee and Bob. We were unable to schedule one this past semester but I wanted to give you as much advance notice about our plans for next semester. Tommy is doing some new and wonderful work around how we use our hands which he is eager to share with us.

When: The workshop with Tommy will be Sunday, February 12th, basically all day- but with a long lunch break.  (10:30-1:00 and 3:00-5:00)

Where: We plan to meet at his office which is easily accessible by public transportation.  It is located at 1692 Mass Ave (between Harvard and Porter Squares).

We will arrive at his 2nd floor office to take off our shoes and coats. Then we will likely proceed to the third floor for the workshop.  I'll confir  all that as we get closer to the date. 

Cost for ATT trainees:  I am expecting that there will be NO CHARGE for this workshop.  I’m proposing that the school pay for it as part of our budget. And it looks like that will work!

I will need confirmation from all of you ahead of time so that I can request the appropriate fee for Tommy.  Please let me know by January 30th that you can attend, (even though most of you filled out the When2Meet poll).

As always, ask your questions!


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Workshop in Schwyz, Switzerland
to Sep 12

Workshop in Schwyz, Switzerland

  • Google Calendar ICS


Butterflies ‘emerge’ from their cloistered cocoon with complete freedom to move and to experience themselves as they wish in ways never experienced in their previous stages of growth. We did not choose to walk into the darkness of this past year, but we can choose how we wish to walk out of it. And we can walk together. We are butterflies now, no longer in the metamorphic stage of cocoon. We have been transformed by the events of 2020 and 2021. We will explore the transformative gifts of our understanding we have received and the bright prospects for our future. Tommy will share what he has learned from the imposed seclusion in a pandemic world and how his experience of the pandemic has transformed his life personally and as a teacher.

Open to AT teachers, trainees and advanced students.

To register, please contact:

Priska Gauger-Schelbert
Loostrasse 37
6430 Schwyz
Tel.: +41 (0)79'232'02'54

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Ease of Being Retreat in Rhode Island
to Jul 30

Ease of Being Retreat in Rhode Island

  • roger williams college (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS


Butterflies ‘emerge’ with complete freedom to move and to experience themselves as they wish in ways never experienced in their previous stages of growth. We are butterflies now. We have been transformed by the events of 2020 and 2021. Let’s explore the transformative gifts we have received and the bright prospects for our future. We invite you to join us remotely this summer for this exploration.

Find out more at

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Post-Graduate Workshop in Boone, North Carolina, USA
to Jul 10

Post-Graduate Workshop in Boone, North Carolina, USA

The Habit of Identity in ‘Use of Self’ and Personal Narrative 

We each have a personal narrative, which is our attachment to the story we describe to ourselves and to others, and it is completely enmeshed in who we are and how we live. At night we sleep with our story and we awaken in the morning with our story. We don’t wake up or go to sleep with our ‘use’ alone. If one does yoga first thing in the morning, one does so in a way that conforms to one’s personal narrative. And one’s ‘use’ reflects their attachment to their narrative. It is the attachment to personal narrative that we are really changing when we change our ‘use’. Otherwise we are just getting better at being the person we’ve been. And there is certainly value in this. However, If we really want to explore the mystery of ourselves, and encounter who we might actually be capable of being, we need to shift the personal narrative of who we feel we need to be at a given moment.

We can imagine a ‘train of change’, blowing it’s whistle as your signal to get on board. The train stops at every station but only for a moment. If you tightly hold onto a fixed way of being, thinking, feeling, or perceiving, then as the train approaches one can refuse to get on board. You can watch the train go by, or you can get on the train. The train goes on without you. The ongoing present moves without you. Remember the moment is a movement. And the “present” is your choice to belong to that moment and to go where the road takes you.  And all change takes place in the ongoing present:  in the space between things, between stimulus and response. You were given a ticket to ride at the moment of birth. You can remain defined by attachment to your story as you wish to be and stand alone on the platform or step on board the ‘train of change’.

In this workshop, as teachers and trainees, we will explore the value of viewing Alexander’s concept of ‘Use’ as a reflection of one’s attachment to their personal narrative, then how in doing so we might provide a more meaningful means for lasting change for our students. I welcome all of you who might attend. 

When: July 6, Monday - July 10, Friday 

Contact person: Corinne Cassini

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Workshop and Private Lessons in Linz, Austria
to Jun 21

Workshop and Private Lessons in Linz, Austria

  • ABC Movement Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The Habit of Identity in ‘Use of Self’ and Personal Narrative 

We each have a personal narrative, which is our attachment to the story we describe to ourselves and to others, and it is completely enmeshed in who we are and how we live. At night we sleep with our story and we awaken in the morning with our story. We don’t wake up or go to sleep with our ‘use’ alone. If one does yoga first thing in the morning, one does so in a way that conforms to one’s personal narrative. And one’s ‘use’ reflects their attachment to their narrative. It is the attachment to personal narrative that we are really changing when we change our ‘use’. Otherwise we are just getting better at being the person we’ve been. And there is certainly value in this. However, If we really want to explore the mystery of ourselves, and encounter who we might actually be capable of being, we need to shift the personal narrative of who we feel we need to be at a given moment.

We can imagine a ‘train of change’, blowing it’s whistle as your signal to get on board. The train stops at every station but only for a moment. If you tightly hold onto a fixed way of being, thinking, feeling, or perceiving, then as the train approaches one can refuse to get on board. You can watch the train go by, or you can get on the train. The train goes on without you. The ongoing present moves without you. Remember the moment is a movement. And the “present” is your choice to belong to that moment and to go where the road takes you.  And all change takes place in the ongoing present:  in the space between things, between stimulus and response. You were given a ticket to ride at the moment of birth. You can remain defined by attachment to your story as you wish to be and stand alone on the platform or step on board the ‘train of change’.

In this workshop, as teachers and trainees, we will explore the value of viewing Alexander’s concept of ‘Use’ as a reflection of one’s attachment to their personal narrative, then how in doing so we might provide a more meaningful means for lasting change for our students. I welcome all of you who might attend. 

June 18, Thursday 10 am -5 pm - Single / private lessons
June 19, Friday  9 am - 2 pm private lessons
June 19, Friday 3pm - 6 pm Workshop
June 20, Saturday  - June 21, Sunday 10 am - 5 pm - workshop

Where: ABC Movementcenter

Contact person: Ursula Zidek

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Workshop in Düsseldorf, Germany
to Jun 15

Workshop in Düsseldorf, Germany

  • dusseldorf germany (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The Habit of Identity in ‘Use of Self’ and Personal Narrative 

We each have a personal narrative, which is our attachment to the story we describe to ourselves and to others, and it is completely enmeshed in who we are and how we live. At night we sleep with our story and we awaken in the morning with our story. We don’t wake up or go to sleep with our ‘use’ alone. If one does yoga first thing in the morning, one does so in a way that conforms to one’s personal narrative. And one’s ‘use’ reflects their attachment to their narrative. It is the attachment to personal narrative that we are really changing when we change our ‘use’. Otherwise we are just getting better at being the person we’ve been. And there is certainly value in this. However, If we really want to explore the mystery of ourselves, and encounter who we might actually be capable of being, we need to shift the personal narrative of who we feel we need to be at a given moment.

We can imagine a ‘train of change’, blowing it’s whistle as your signal to get on board. The train stops at every station but only for a moment. If you tightly hold onto a fixed way of being, thinking, feeling, or perceiving, then as the train approaches one can refuse to get on board. You can watch the train go by, or you can get on the train. The train goes on without you. The ongoing present moves without you. Remember the moment is a movement. And the “present” is your choice to belong to that moment and to go where the road takes you.  And all change takes place in the ongoing present:  in the space between things, between stimulus and response. You were given a ticket to ride at the moment of birth. You can remain defined by attachment to your story as you wish to be and stand alone on the platform or step on board the ‘train of change’.

In this workshop, as teachers and trainees, we will explore the value of viewing Alexander’s concept of ‘Use’ as a reflection of one’s attachment to their personal narrative, then how in doing so we might provide a more meaningful means for lasting change for our students. I welcome all of you who might attend. 

June 13 - June 14,  workshop
June 15 -  private lessons 

Contact person: Sabine Grosser

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Workshop in Freiburg, Germany
to Jun 12

Workshop in Freiburg, Germany

The Habit of Identity in ‘Use of Self’ and Personal Narrative 

We each have a personal narrative, which is our attachment to the story we describe to ourselves and to others, and it is completely enmeshed in who we are and how we live. At night we sleep with our story and we awaken in the morning with our story. We don’t wake up or go to sleep with our ‘use’ alone. If one does yoga first thing in the morning, one does so in a way that conforms to one’s personal narrative. And one’s ‘use’ reflects their attachment to their narrative. It is the attachment to personal narrative that we are really changing when we change our ‘use’. Otherwise we are just getting better at being the person we’ve been. And there is certainly value in this. However, If we really want to explore the mystery of ourselves, and encounter who we might actually be capable of being, we need to shift the personal narrative of who we feel we need to be at a given moment.

We can imagine a ‘train of change’, blowing it’s whistle as your signal to get on board. The train stops at every station but only for a moment. If you tightly hold onto a fixed way of being, thinking, feeling, or perceiving, then as the train approaches one can refuse to get on board. You can watch the train go by, or you can get on the train. The train goes on without you. The ongoing present moves without you. Remember the moment is a movement. And the “present” is your choice to belong to that moment and to go where the road takes you.  And all change takes place in the ongoing present:  in the space between things, between stimulus and response. You were given a ticket to ride at the moment of birth. You can remain defined by attachment to your story as you wish to be and stand alone on the platform or step on board the ‘train of change’.

In this workshop, as teachers and trainees, we will explore the value of viewing Alexander’s concept of ‘Use’ as a reflection of one’s attachment to their personal narrative, then how in doing so we might provide a more meaningful means for lasting change for our students. I welcome all of you who might attend. 


June 10, Wednesday: Single/private lessons
June 11, Thursday: Workshop from 10 am to 5 pm
June 12, Friday: Workshop from 9.30 to 1pm

Contact person: Renate Wehner

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Workshop and Private Lessons in Paris, France
to Jun 8

Workshop and Private Lessons in Paris, France

The Habit of Identity in ‘Use of Self’ and Personal Narrative 

We each have a personal narrative, which is our attachment to the story we describe to ourselves and to others, and it is completely enmeshed in who we are and how we live. At night we sleep with our story and we awaken in the morning with our story. We don’t wake up or go to sleep with our ‘use’ alone. If one does yoga first thing in the morning, one does so in a way that conforms to one’s personal narrative. And one’s ‘use’ reflects their attachment to their narrative. It is the attachment to personal narrative that we are really changing when we change our ‘use’. Otherwise we are just getting better at being the person we’ve been. And there is certainly value in this. However, If we really want to explore the mystery of ourselves, and encounter who we might actually be capable of being, we need to shift the personal narrative of who we feel we need to be at a given moment.

We can imagine a ‘train of change’, blowing it’s whistle as your signal to get on board. The train stops at every station but only for a moment. If you tightly hold onto a fixed way of being, thinking, feeling, or perceiving, then as the train approaches one can refuse to get on board. You can watch the train go by, or you can get on the train. The train goes on without you. The ongoing present moves without you. Remember the moment is a movement. And the “present” is your choice to belong to that moment and to go where the road takes you.  And all change takes place in the ongoing present:  in the space between things, between stimulus and response. You were given a ticket to ride at the moment of birth. You can remain defined by attachment to your story as you wish to be and stand alone on the platform or step on board the ‘train of change’.

In this workshop, as teachers and trainees, we will explore the value of viewing Alexander’s concept of ‘Use’ as a reflection of one’s attachment to their personal narrative, then how in doing so we might provide a more meaningful means for lasting change for our students.  I welcome all of you who might attend. 

June 5, Friday - private lessons
June 6, Saturday - June 7, Sunday  workshop 
June 8, Monday - private lessons
Contact person: Manuelle Borgel -

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Workshop in Toronto, Canada
to Apr 26

Workshop in Toronto, Canada

Workshop with Tommy Thompson for the training course and post-graduate students of Susan Sinclair

The Habit of Identity in ‘Use of Self’ and Personal Narrative 

We each have a personal narrative, which is our attachment to the story we describe to ourselves and to others, and it is completely enmeshed in who we are and how we live. At night we sleep with our story and we awaken in the morning with our story. We don’t wake up or go to sleep with our ‘use’ alone. If one does yoga first thing in the morning, one does so in a way that conforms to one’s personal narrative. And one’s ‘use’ reflects their attachment to their narrative. It is the attachment to personal narrative that we are really changing when we change our ‘use’. Otherwise we are just getting better at being the person we’ve been. And there is certainly value in this. However, If we really want to explore the mystery of ourselves, and encounter who we might actually be capable of being, we need to shift the personal narrative of who we feel we need to be at a given moment.

We can imagine a ‘train of change’, blowing it’s whistle as your signal to get on board. The train stops at every station but only for a moment. If you tightly hold onto a fixed way of being, thinking, feeling, or perceiving, then as the train approaches one can refuse to get on board. You can watch the train go by, or you can get on the train. The train goes on without you. The ongoing present moves without you. Remember the moment is a movement. And the “present” is your choice to belong to that moment and to go where the road takes you.  And all change takes place in the ongoing present:  in the space between things, between stimulus and response. You were given a ticket to ride at the moment of birth. You can remain defined by attachment to your story as you wish to be and stand alone on the platform or step on board the ‘train of change’.

In this workshop, as teachers and trainees, we will explore the value of viewing Alexander’s concept of ‘Use’ as a reflection of one’s attachment to their personal narrative, then how in doing so we might provide a more meaningful means for lasting change for our students. I welcome all of you who might attend. 

Where: Sinclair Studio

When: April 25, Saturday - April 26, Sunday, 10AM - 5PM

Contact person: Susan Sinclair

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Post Graduate Workshop in Cambridge, MA
to Apr 12

Post Graduate Workshop in Cambridge, MA

  • Google Calendar ICS

The Habit of Identity in ‘Use of Self’ and Personal Narrative 

We each have a personal narrative, which is our attachment to the story we describe to ourselves and to others, and it is completely enmeshed in who we are and how we live. At night we sleep with our story and we awaken in the morning with our story. We don’t wake up or go to sleep with our ‘use’ alone. If one does yoga first thing in the morning, one does so in a way that conforms to one’s personal narrative. And one’s ‘use’ reflects their attachment to their narrative. It is the attachment to personal narrative that we are really changing when we change our ‘use’. Otherwise we are just getting better at being the person we’ve been. And there is certainly value in this. However, If we really want to explore the mystery of ourselves, and encounter who we might actually be capable of being, we need to shift the personal narrative of who we feel we need to be at a given moment.

We can imagine a ‘train of change’, blowing it’s whistle as your signal to get on board. The train stops at every station but only for a moment. If you tightly hold onto a fixed way of being, thinking, feeling, or perceiving, then as the train approaches one can refuse to get on board. You can watch the train go by, or you can get on the train. The train goes on without you. The ongoing present moves without you. Remember the moment is a movement. And the “present” is your choice to belong to that moment and to go where the road takes you.  And all change takes place in the ongoing present:  in the space between things, between stimulus and response. You were given a ticket to ride at the moment of birth. You can remain defined by attachment to your story as you wish to be and stand alone on the platform or step on board the ‘train of change’.

In this workshop, as teachers and trainees, we will explore the value of viewing Alexander’s concept of ‘Use’ as a reflection of one’s attachment to their personal narrative, then how in doing so we might provide a more meaningful means for lasting change for our students. I welcome all of you who might attend. 

When: April 11, Saturday - April 12, Sunday, 10 am - 5 pm

Where: Alexander Technique Training Center at Cambridge, 1692 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge

Contact person: Anna Tolstoy

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Workshop in Seoul, South Korea
to Mar 29

Workshop in Seoul, South Korea

  • Alexander Technique Center of Korea (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The Habit of Identity in ‘Use of Self’ and Personal Narrative 

We each have a personal narrative, which is our attachment to the story we describe to ourselves and to others, and it is completely enmeshed in who we are and how we live. At night we sleep with our story and we awaken in the morning with our story. We don’t wake up or go to sleep with our ‘use’ alone. If one does yoga first thing in the morning, one does so in a way that conforms to one’s personal narrative. And one’s ‘use’ reflects their attachment to their narrative. It is the attachment to personal narrative that we are really changing when we change our ‘use’. Otherwise we are just getting better at being the person we’ve been. And there is certainly value in this. However, If we really want to explore the mystery of ourselves, and encounter who we might actually be capable of being, we need to shift the personal narrative of who we feel we need to be at a given moment.

We can imagine a ‘train of change’, blowing it’s whistle as your signal to get on board. The train stops at every station but only for a moment. If you tightly hold onto a fixed way of being, thinking, feeling, or perceiving, then as the train approaches one can refuse to get on board. You can watch the train go by, or you can get on the train. The train goes on without you. The ongoing present moves without you. Remember the moment is a movement. And the “present” is your choice to belong to that moment and to go where the road takes you.  And all change takes place in the ongoing present:  in the space between things, between stimulus and response. You were given a ticket to ride at the moment of birth. You can remain defined by attachment to your story as you wish to be and stand alone on the platform or step on board the ‘train of change’.

In this workshop, as teachers and trainees, we will explore the value of viewing Alexander’s concept of ‘Use’ as a reflection of one’s attachment to their personal narrative, then how in doing so we might provide a more meaningful means for lasting change for our students.  I welcome all of you who might attend. 


March 24th - 28th - Workshops for Teachers and Trainees

Sunday, March 29th - Public Workshop  

Where: Alexander Technique Korea and Alexander Technique International School of Korea 

Contact person:  
SeongEun Kim 
+82 10-8885-4225

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Workshop in Osaka, Japan
to Mar 22

Workshop in Osaka, Japan

  • Google Calendar ICS

The Habit of Identity in ‘Use of Self’ and Personal Narrative 

We each have a personal narrative, which is our attachment to the story we describe to ourselves and to others, and it is completely enmeshed in who we are and how we live. At night we sleep with our story and we awaken in the morning with our story. We don’t wake up or go to sleep with our ‘use’ alone. If one does yoga first thing in the morning, one does so in a way that conforms to one’s personal narrative. And one’s ‘use’ reflects their attachment to their narrative. It is the attachment to personal narrative that we are really changing when we change our ‘use’. Otherwise we are just getting better at being the person we’ve been. And there is certainly value in this. However, If we really want to explore the mystery of ourselves, and encounter who we might actually be capable of being, we need to shift the personal narrative of who we feel we need to be at a given moment.

We can imagine a ‘train of change’, blowing it’s whistle as your signal to get on board. The train stops at every station but only for a moment. If you tightly hold onto a fixed way of being, thinking, feeling, or perceiving, then as the train approaches one can refuse to get on board. You can watch the train go by, or you can get on the train. The train goes on without you. The ongoing present moves without you. Remember the moment is a movement. And the “present” is your choice to belong to that moment and to go where the road takes you.  And all change takes place in the ongoing present:  in the space between things, between stimulus and response. You were given a ticket to ride at the moment of birth. You can remain defined by attachment to your story as you wish to be and stand alone on the platform or step on board the ‘train of change’.

In this workshop, as teachers and trainees, we will explore the value of viewing Alexander’s concept of ‘Use’ as a reflection of one’s attachment to their personal narrative, then how in doing so we might provide a more meaningful means for lasting change for our students.  I welcome all of you who might attend. 

Contact Person: Jeremy Chance

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