Advanced Study & Training
in the Alexander Technique
Learning While You Teach, Teaching While You Learn…
The Simple Basics of the Alexander Principles Brought to Depth
Increasing practical and theoretical knowledge of the Technique to sufficiently using the principles and concepts that are the basis for the Alexander teaching in your work or current practice.
We will be exploring ways of working with ever greater degrees of awareness of what it means to withhold definition about what we teach, given who we teach so the person might learn what they need to learn and not what we need to teach. There will be a distinct emphasis on the clarity and simplicity of both explanation and practice when using your hands to convey the principles and concepts embodied in Alexander’s teaching. We will look at the value of bringing the work to the person as compared to bringing the person to the work. Bringing the person to the work does certainly have obvious rewards; it provides the student with an integrated experience not otherwise available to them given their commitment to their habitual ways of involving themselves in a given life activity. However, when we emphasize the person, we have the chance to illuminate their potential, rather than correcting their habits. We will use our habitual nature as a point of reference to look more closely into the possibility. For you personally, the course will offer authentic ways of experiencing yourself that better clarify your life’s purpose.
This course is being offered due to a substantial number of requests that have asked me for more in-depth work on a more consistent basis, closely aligned with the content of workshops I’ve given over the past years in Europe, Asia, Canada and the USA, but for those who do not wish to train to teach, but wish to more deeply apply the principles of the Technique to their current teaching or field of study.