The Habit of Identity in ‘Use of Self’ and Personal Narrative
We each have a personal narrative, which is our attachment to the story we describe to ourselves and to others, and it is completely enmeshed in who we are and how we live. At night we sleep with our story and we awaken in the morning with our story. We don’t wake up or go to sleep with our ‘use’ alone. If one does yoga first thing in the morning, one does so in a way that conforms to one’s personal narrative. And one’s ‘use’ reflects their attachment to their narrative. It is the attachment to personal narrative that we are really changing when we change our ‘use’. Otherwise we are just getting better at being the person we’ve been. And there is certainly value in this. However, If we really want to explore the mystery of ourselves, and encounter who we might actually be capable of being, we need to shift the personal narrative of who we feel we need to be at a given moment.
We can imagine a ‘train of change’, blowing it’s whistle as your signal to get on board. The train stops at every station but only for a moment. If you tightly hold onto a fixed way of being, thinking, feeling, or perceiving, then as the train approaches one can refuse to get on board. You can watch the train go by, or you can get on the train. The train goes on without you. The ongoing present moves without you. Remember the moment is a movement. And the “present” is your choice to belong to that moment and to go where the road takes you. And all change takes place in the ongoing present: in the space between things, between stimulus and response. You were given a ticket to ride at the moment of birth. You can remain defined by attachment to your story as you wish to be and stand alone on the platform or step on board the ‘train of change’.
In this workshop, as teachers and trainees, we will explore the value of viewing Alexander’s concept of ‘Use’ as a reflection of one’s attachment to their personal narrative, then how in doing so we might provide a more meaningful means for lasting change for our students. I welcome all of you who might attend.
Contact Person: Jeremy Chance